The Bermuda Triangle


The Bermuda Triangle (also known as the Devil's Triangle) is located in a triangle between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Miami, Florida.  There have been many instances of people, ships, and aircraft disappearing in this area.   When Columbus was traveling to the New World, he and his crew saw flashes of light and his compass went haywire.  They claimed to have seen mystical creatures in the sea.  Other ships' or planes' controls have stopped working which caused them to crash or go off course.

There are many different theories about the Bermuda Triangle.  Some theories say there are creatures or aliens living under the sea that have caused the disappearances of people and other objects.  There are also theories of gas leakage from under the ocean.  Some people believe there are magnetic forces under the sea that affect ships or planes.  Others say there is an imbalance in the space-time continuum that leads to the unexplainable mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Some people think that the Bermuda Triangle has no more accidents than any other place in the world, and it is just a big joke.  But while the idea of a deadly enchanted triangle is crazy to some people, to others it is a frightening thought.  The truth may never be revealed.  But until then the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle lives on...

Click on the button to learn about the different theories.

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Gas Theory

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Magnetic Pulse



Cusack, J. Michael. Is There a Bermuda Triangle? New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1976.

Gaffron, Norm. The Bermuda Triangle. San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1995.