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One of the many theories of the Bermuda Triangle is the theory of aliens living at the bottom of the sea below the Bermuda Triangle.  The aliens are supposed to suck people into their spaceships to study them.  The aliens might have dropped a device into the ocean that would cause mechanical  devices to go haywire. 

Sightings of UFOs often come in bunches, and more have been spotted in the Bermuda Triangle than anywhere else in the world.   Scientists think that there are more sightings in the Triangle because conditions are supposedly better for UFOs than anywhere else.  Columbus wrote that there were fire balls that would fall from the sky.  During World War II, U.S. bomber pilots reported harmless white streaks in the sky.  They also said that the streaks were about 3 feet long, very fast, and they could fly right next to them or in all different directions.  Some believe the white streaks are alien craft that use very advanced technology.

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Gas Theory

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Magnetic  Pulse