[ Australopithecus ] Homo Erectus ] Neanderthal ] Homo Sapiens Sapiens ]


Australopithecus (aws-trah-luh-PITH-uh-kus) lived about 5 to 3.5 million years ago.  These early hominids were smaller than modern humans.  Males were about 4.5 feet tall and weighed about 90 pounds.  Females were smaller, about 3.5 feet tall.  Australopithecus had low sloping foreheads, big brow ridges, and large jaws.  Their brains were much smaller than the brain of modern humans, and the front of the brain (the area used for language and creative thinking) was less developed than the back.

Early hominids were the first known creatures to walk on two legs.  This is called bipedal movement. This freed the hands for holding things and maybe making tools.

These early hominids lived in Africa.  At that time most of the places the hominids lived was grassland or savanna.  They could get water from nearby streams or lakes.  Most early hominids probably camped by streams or lakes.

Because of the size and shape of their teeth and jaws, it is believed Australopithecus ate their food raw.  These hominids would have had to wander and search for their food.  They probably ate beetles, other small insects, plants, small animals or fish, roots, and fruit.

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This photo shows differences in hominid skulls.

Homo Erectus


Homo Sapiens Sapiens

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