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Here we will explore three different tribes, the Zulu, the Ashanti, and the Maasai.  There are three main types of tribes, divided by how they get their food: hunters who hunt wild game, gatherers who gather berries and fruit, and herders who herd cattle.  The Zulu and Maasai are mainly herders and the Ashanti mainly gatherers.

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Beckwith, Carol and Anglea Fisher. "Masai Passage to Manhood." National Geographic September 1999: 52-65.

Beckwith, Carol and Anglea Fisher. "African Marriage Rituals." National Geographic November 1999: 80-97.

Herndon, Peter. Family Life Among the Ashanti of West Africa.  (Online) http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1991/2/91.02.04.x.html   Available March 31, 2000.

Margolies, Barbara A. Olbalbal. New York: Four Winds Press, 1994.

Musgrove, Margaret. Ashanti to Zulu. New York: The Dial Press, 1976.

Miller, Phoebe. "Ashanti." Groliers Interactive Encyclopedia. 1996.

Photographs courtesy of J. Tupper.

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